Monday, August 1, 2011

Enjoying the fruits (and veggies) of summer.

It’s been an odd summer season, weather wise. With a long & cool spring, record breaking highs, & torrential winds & rains –our garden is finally turning out the larger vegetables.

Case in point.


The jalapenos, peppers, lettuce, cucumbers, herbs and tomatoes are growing in leaps and bounds – every morning Gavin and I tiptoe across the dew covered grass to see what can be picked and eaten that day. The shrieks of, “Mama, that ‘mato turned red! We can pick ‘em!” is a far better wake up call than the strongest of coffees could give me.

And for what we don’t grow in our backyard, we pick up at our local farmer’s market. Even as the market is shadowed by the towering buildings of downtown - there is something rustic about shopping for local vegetables from nearby farm lands. The array of vendors is impressive – from friendly Amish with home baked goods to immigrants who barely speak English, nodding happily as you check out their produce. I still cannot believe that the first time we truly got to eat local sweet corn was at the very end of July this year!


This little boy could barely contain his excitement for the stuff, impatiently waiting for it to cool off enough for him to eat. While his technique still misses about half the kernels, he has moved on to a full ear, unlike last year!


And to top off our Sunday of fresh food – my little chef and I whipped up some strawberry smoothies. Far better – and cheaper – than we could have gotten at any store.

smoothie 1smoothie 2

Probably because they were made with love.

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