Thursday, December 2, 2010

Bright Lights

Tonight has been one of those nights when it’s ridiculously fun to be a parent.

With Casey off working at a hockey game, it was just Gavin and me for dinner…so obviously we hit up the taco bell drive thru :)

On the way, Gavin oohed and aahed at all of the Christmas lights we drove past yelling, “WOOOOOOW! More pretty lights!” So, on the way home we took the really long route, winding up and down random city streets looking for the brightest, most decorated homes we could find.

Gavin’s favorites were those that had inflatable snowmen/Santa's bobbing in the wind, and each time we drove down a darkened, un-Christmas light-lit street Gavin would shriek, “More lights Mama! More lights pease!” all the while messily munching on cinnamon twists from our favorite fast food joint.

Yes, Gavin has learned that regularly using the word “please,” gets him just about anything he wants. And if he yells, “Biiiiiiig pease and tank you Mama!” I know he really, really wants what he is asking for.

My kid is a riot. Each morning he looks at the Christmas tree and commands me to turn on the lights, followed by a quick look outside to see if we’ve gotten any more snow (so far, all we’ve really gotten is flurries) asking me, “make snowman now Mama?” Where I regrettably have to inform him that, no, there isn’t enough snow to make a snowman yet buddy.


Amid all of the holiday activities and celebrations, Casey turned the big 3-1 last Sunday. For the first time Gavin was able to say, “Happy Birthday Dada” and eagerly anticipated the birthday cake and ice cream I had been describing to him all day.


But alas, not unlike his own previous (and only) birthday party, he could not stand eating his dessert. At times like this, if I hadn’t given birth to him myself, I would have serious doubts on whether or not he is actually my flesh and blood.


Because this is one mama who loves her some ice cream.

Oh well, more for me! Hello holiday weight gain! Or maybe that’s just a result of the Taco Bell…


  1. Cute new blog design. Madeline dislikes ice cream too. Nuts, isn't it?!

  2. Our christmas tree lights are on all day long too! So funny.

  3. Us too...lights on all day! I have now had to put up baby gates blocking off the room because between Bryce and the dog the pretty presents I wrapped up aren't so pretty anymore. Little fingers and big paws are ripping them open! There's no way the presents will make it to Christmas. Ha!

  4. Oh - and how do you add a signature?? I likes and want to add one to my blog. :)
