Saturday, September 12, 2009

Date Night...where'd we go?

Casey and I got to out on a date night last night...want to guess where we got to go?
(Those of you who are facebook friends already know so...shhh!)

Here's a hint...

Can you guess what that spells???

Need another?

Does this help???

OK if you guessed it, great job! My mom got us tickets to see the touring Broadway play, Mary Poppins at the Orpheum Theater downtown!

And guess what, the actor who plays Bert is named Gavin. We thought that was pretty cool (OK, only I thought it was cool, haha). Both Mary and Bert were performed by the same people who originated the characters in the New York Broadway productions...

Gavin...not our son, but the actor, ha, also originated the character in the London production...

and they were fantastic. Watching kids perform on stage always impresses me, I can only imagine how proud their parents are, but I also was you think those kids miss out on a "normal" childhood?

As we were leaving the theater, Casey checked the time (which was 11 pm) and we laughed about how we hadn't been out that late downtown in a long time. We laughed again when we realized it wasn't so long ago that we would have just been starting out our night around that time, and now we can barely keep our eyes open!

Anywho, we have more fun plans for this are a couple of hints about our plans...


I bet you figured this one out already!
M-I-N-N-E-S-O-T-A! Minnesota! Minnesota! Gooooooooo GOPHERS!
We love football season around here...can you tell? :)

1 comment:

  1. Glad you had a good date night!! I bet Mary Poppins is great on broadway..I would love to see it!!!!

    Have fun watching football!!!!
