Monday, November 2, 2009

Nose Smudges and all

Not mentioning any names but a certain 8 1/2 month old thinks it's pretty funny to make faces in the window...

Mixed in with some kisses...


And more funny faces....

Just two weeks until we move, it hit us last night that we really only have one more weekend here, it's very bittersweet. We will definitely miss our little, but cozy home in the big city. And boy, will we ever miss the big front window...even when it's covered in handprints, nose smudges and kiss marks :)

Notice the little face in the window?


  1. How cute are those pictures! Jaleah does the same thing on the mesh of her playpen - it's so funny. Love the pointing one!

  2. I love the "smudge" pictures...precious!!!
