Monday, June 22, 2009

Not Me Monday!

Time for another Not Me Monday!

On Saturday night I most definitely did not stay out until 1:30 a.m. celebrating my friend Emily's upcoming wedding at her bachelorette party in downtown Minneapolis. I of course did not convince several bartenders to fill her shot glass ring with free shots. Nope, not me! I'm a responsible mom now. I would never get a little crazy on a girls night! And Casey would definitely not pack up our 4 1/2 month old baby in the middle of the night to go pick me up. No way. We're way too good of parents to ever do that! I of course did not get annoyed that Casey was not there in the 15 minutes he had promised. I did not forget that it takes extra time to get out the door when you have to get a sleeping baby in the car.

I don't try to tell myself that Gavin will of course attend the University of Minnesota for college even though I myself went to school in Wisconsin and his dad in Colorado. I never consider the fact that he may want to move out of state. No way. Not my son. He will be a Gopher fan forever.

I do not think that it is totally adorable that Gavin doesn't even fill up half of the baby swing at the park. We never take him down the park to swing with the main goal of getting him sleepy enough to fall asleep (and stay asleep) in his stroller on the walk back.

I don't ever take a picture and immediately make a mental note that this picture could be considered blackmail in the future. I do not think that Gavin is absolutely adorable in just a diaper and a t-shirt. I of course never question why we have so many clothes for our little guy when he is always so happy to be wearing next to nothing. Nope, not me!

I never think that Gavin's addiction to our tv remote will become an issue.

I would never find a way for Gavin to do his "own" nebulizer treatments at night. I would never wait until so late in the evening to do them that I am truly exhausted. I would never love the fact that Gavin sleeps right through both his nebulizer and chest therapy making it so much easier for mom and dad. Nope, not me!

1 comment:

  1. Love the Gopher attire!!! I totally forgot about Not Me Monday b/c I was so tired and busy!! lol
